Our Activity Area

1) Civic & Advocacy organisations.
2) Clothing & Other Material Assistance.
3) Coaching Centers.
4) Conservation & Preservation of Natural Resources.
5) Culture and recreation, n.e.c.
6) Development and housing, n.e.c.
7) Disaster/ Emergency Prevention and Control.
8) Education and research, n.e.c.
9) Education by Correspondence.
10) Employment and Training, n.e.c
11) Environment, n.e.c.
12) Health, n.e.c.
13) Homes for Children.
14) Homes for the Aged.
15) Job Training Programmes.
16) Pre primary, Primary and Upper-primary.
17) Public Health Education Activities.
18) Social services, n.e.c.
19) Sustainable Agriculture.
20) Training/ Education/ Conduct of Specialised courses in Computer knowledge.
21) Tuitions by Individuals.
22) Vocational Counselling and Guidance.
23) Welfare and Guidance Activities for Children.

To Make People Economically Independent

We have involved  and engaged in doing welfare to the poor Women and young girl in Sundarban area since 2009 by giving them various training such as food processing, nursery management e.t.c.
They have become economically self–reliant and self dependent .As we have became successful for doing welfare to some poor women and girl we have decided to set up a Multi Purpose Training institute at Sundarban area for training poor women and girl without fees so that they can earn their bread but we are financially very weak .So we earnestly request the kind hearted people or any Institution who are fond of doing  well our society to donate us, so that we can establish our Institution and materialize our dream project.

Some Training Session Of Sandeshkhali Maa Saroda Women & Rural Welfare Society

We conduct training session for the women in several times, that helps them to think about themselves beyond their responsibilities. We believe that a woman is the pillar of the family who can hold the entire responsibility of the economical status as well as household. So we organize training session on SHGs, Women Development Programmes, Vocational Training Programmes.

Women Development Programmes

Against the background of the patriarchal system of society, the women need special attention to ensure their development and participation in the decision making process at home, in the community and governance.
With the objective of bringing about economic and social development of women and improving their status in the community the programme for Women Development was being implemented by Sandeshkhali Maa Saroda Women & Rural Welfare Society in and around North 24 Pgs District.
The various activities planned and carried out are:
1) Formation and Training of Self Help Groups.
2) Group Development.
3) Capacity Building.
4) Income Generation Activities & Savings Mobilisation.

5) Establishment of linkages.

These activities had made impressive impacts in empowering women and improving their economic and social status in their families and communities.

Vocational Training & Production Centre For Rural Women

We implemented vocational training & production centre on jute products among the rural women for their skill development and economical sustainability development in remote villages of Howrah district, especially in Sandeshkhali under West Bengal state of India.
Skill development activities are implement through society’s vocational training cum production centre in the special schools. The condense course for rural poor women include based skill development and job oriented training are given to the beneficiaries as per their aptitude through this skill development activities. The target group became self sufficient within stipulated period under the effective training and also earn fair income by skill development in various trade and traits under the North 24 PGS District of West Bengal State of India.



Self Help Group (SHGs)

The Self Help Groups (SHGs) Guiding Principle stresses on organizing the rural poor into small groups through a process of social mobilization, training and providing bank credit and government subsidy. The SHGs are to be drawn from the BPL list approved by the Gram Sabha wherein about ten persons are selected, one each from a family and focus on the skill development training based on the local requirement. The SHG movement has gathered pace in countryside and is directly or indirectly contributing towards the economic development of rural areas. This article throws light on forming self help groups in rural areas as well as its effect on the rural economy. The objective of Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) is to bring the assisted poor families; that is; the beneficiaries or Swarozgaris; above the poverty line by ensuring appreciable increase in income over a period of time. This objective is to be achieved by organizing the rural poor into SHGs through a process of social mobilization, their training and capacity building along with the provision of income-generating assets through a mix of bank credit and government subsidy. The main objective of SHG concept is to improve the economic development of women and create facilitating environment for their social transformation in the lift of gender discrimination in work and the household.


Effects & Outcome
In India, self employment has been recognized as an essential force of development in rural areas. It has emerged as a strategy designed to improve the socio-economic life and mainly focuses on extending the benefits of development to the poorest in the rural areas improving their standard of living and self-realization. SHGs in India are integrating the low income segments with rest of the rural community by ensuring them a better participation in a more equitable share in the benefit of developments. These Groups are not only speeding up economic growth, but also providing jobs and improving the quality of rural life towards self-reliance. Self-employment needs a very wide ranging and comprehensive set of activities, relevant to all aspects of rural economy and covering rural people including skilled, unskilled and landless labours and artisans of Rural India. Even though the Rural Indians put their entrepreneurial skills in all the rural development activities their economic status has not improved to the expected level. Although they have much potential; they are ignorant of converting their skills into reality.

It is very important and vital to address these issues and for this an integrated approach of Government, Banks and NGOs is crucial. The institutional efficiency needs to be increased. Speeding up the delivery process is also very important. Easy access to credit, flexibility in the repayment schedule, conceptualization of new schemes for the poor should be considered. Sandeshkhali Maa Saroda Women & Rural Welfare Society plays a role, too, i.e. equally important as we serve as the most important element to create awareness among the rural poor. We try to give wide publicity to rural banking and its linkage programmes at local level and must enable the underprevileges to participate in the decision making process at the bottom level. These measures can significantly make the Self Help Groups effective and efficient in order to boost the Rural Economy of India.

Like other years to promote Self Help Groups and to motivate them in Micro-credit financial system, we regularly arrange promotional workshop and group meeting followed by a centralized workshop in our area of operation. Resource persons from NABARD. Financial Institutions and Social Workers are regularly invited to deliver their valued opinion in these workshops.
The scattered beneficiaries group particularly women who are always victimized under present socio-economic context needs to be united. SHG formation can increase Poverty alleviation, rising of Socio-economic status, banishing of social taboos self-employment and above all self-reliance and women employment.

Medical Facilities Provided by Us

An Ayurvedic Dispensary Run By Sandeshkhali Maa Saroda Women & Rural Welfare Society.

Free Coaching Centre

Primary education and elementary education is typically the first stage of formal education, coming after preschool and before secondary education (The first four grades of primary school, Grades 1-4, are also part of early childhood education). Primary education usually takes place in a primary school or elementary school. In some countries, primary education is followed by middle school, an educational stage which exists in some countries, and takes place between primary school and high school. We provide Free Coaching  to strong the basic of the students on which they can built their further progress map.


Flood in 2015; We helped people in their endangerment.

Due to incessant rainfalls in the state during the month of July’15 and Komen, the cyclone that hit the State on the 30th of July’15, over 1.06 crore people from West Bengal have been affected. The flooding is mainly due to the high tidal effects and KOMEN depression-related rainfall. Adding to it was the release of huge quantum of water from the Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC). The calamity had affected 14 districts 236 blocks, 55 municipal areas and 814 gram Panchayats covering 21,885 villages.
Population living in low lying areas experienced water stagnation in their houses and villages for about 10 to 12 days. State of West Bengal is vulnerable to flood, cyclone, landslides and earthquake. During this hour the state is experiencing massive flood in the twelve districts of South Bengal. Flood situation triggered prior to cyclone “Khomen” followed by heavy rainfall during 29th to 31st of July 2015.
This resulted due to discharge of “store barrage waters” from Dams which inundated lowlying areas of South Bengal. In North 24 Parganas, bordering Bangladesh areas due to poor carrying capacity of “river Ichhamati and Yumuna” flood water is still stagnant (as on 27th August 2015).
Our team of Disaster Management has a basic connotation connected with a threat to basic existence of individual human life with disastrous effects on the family and feelings of shock to the community. Our volunteers and its resources spontaneously and instinctively whenever there is any flood,fire, road accident, storm damage, epidemic. During floods, cyclone, landslide and crisis situations, we react with its emergency relief programme with food, water, medicine, clothes and medical teams. In the year 2015, we also went to help flood victim with dry food, clothes, medicine. Due to the flood, natural disaster we organized relief camps, distributed dry foods, clothes, tripol among the people.

Our aim to create child protection policy for the welfare of children

Our next plan is the first of the Child Protection Policy, particularly the rights of children.We want to establish an example to the society through our work practices by the Sandeshkhali Maa Saroda Women and Rural Welfare Society, in order to eradicate this incident from childhood, child trafficking, child marriage and other child abuse in this effort by our efforts and people of all levels of society. 

Due to poverty, poor people of the society are pressed into the hands of a opportunistic class (also called fraudsters). This deceiver cycle is misguided by many temptations and misguided parents. In the exchange of fraud, the poor parent is in exchange for money, their girls are trafficked in a convenient place by offering job or dowry marriage in the city. Most of the girls trafficked are extremely cruel. The fate of these trafficked women is not well received, but their sure destination becomes the dark world. The rest of the lives, they live in darkness and become the people of darkness. Typically, traffickers are being tempted by the country’s chaos, stray women and children, illiterate, half-educated, divorced and widowed women. In fact, these helpless women are cheated to get rid of the promise of good living in the trick. In some cases poor, Uneducated parents did not meet the responsibility of the maintenance of their beloved children in exchange for money in the hands of traffickers. Sometimes, sometimes traffickers use their opportunities of parental neglect to fulfill their purpose. A study shows that women and child trafficking occur mainly due to five reasons. The reasons are poverty, easy process of cross border, deprivation of women in society, lack of education and awareness, and inevitability and inattentiveness of parents and parents. Poor health, poor women’s job, lack of job opportunities, low income per capital income, women’s rights in property, lack of equal opportunities in employment The main reason for the trafficking of women and children. Due to poverty and unemployment, poor women and their families are tempted to get married and job offers. A family member’s desire to engage with other family members crossing the border area often causes women and children to be trafficked. This trend is particularly seen in the border districts of the country. The subordinate position of women in the family in the society.
Different values, rituals and social norms, etc., also make women and children trafficking faster. In the society, the social status of women is determined by marital status. Parents may be prescribed by law for the marriage of poor girls under 18 years of age Despite ¡The girl is at risk because of her daughter’s responsibility to marry. The members of the cheating group show the temptation of marriage without dowry to the daughter of poor families. The daughter-in-law enticed the marriage and handed her to the traffickers. The traffickers sell unprotected girls or women and take them abroad. Sometimes, due to dowry women are victims of torture and oppression. In the face of torture, she can not return to the poor parents’ house. The girl was then looking for a way to escape. The smugglers also take advantage of such situation. There are many explanations about how women and child trafficking can bring results in society. But the negative effects are more.
Social awareness is the only way to prevent trafficking of women and children The human trafficking prevention law in our country is not being prevented, but trafficking is illegal, people are being increasingly increasing day by day. The lack of population awareness, poverty, lack of education, unconsciousness, rapid expansion of public awareness or lack of coordinated efforts to prevent trafficking or trafficking. Urbanization, immigration, rapid expansion of sexual business, more frequent natural disasters, etc To become one of the most dangerous regions in the world for the thousands of women and children within and outside the country are victims of trafficking. Human rights violations with trafficking of women and children are closely related to them. Many of them are used for compulsory sex, begging, smuggling, sale of limbs, risky labor in factories, pornography, guardianship, forced labor etc. So our main goal is children and their families, Sandeshkhali Maa Saroda Women and Rural Welfare Society takes a special initiative of  to formulate child protection policy for the welfare of the children. Our organization alone can not cope with this situation, so all of you must be with us, such as law enforcement authorities, local government-owned and community-based organizations, school teachers And committee, human rights activist and representative of civil society, social and religious Central leaders, journalists, national and international aid agencies, local administration, local government and all of society’s all the students who raised their voices against this crime.

Strategy For Prevention Rescue And Rehabilitation In Trafficking Of Women And Children

There is a strong prevalence of gender discrimination. A remarkable percentage of women are working as domestic helps in larger cities. Young girls are trafficked to larger cities and forced into prostitution or to work as bar dancers. Recent news revealed that women aged between 14 to 24 years are trafficked through fake marriages and children are being kidnapped.
The high vulnerability of the targeted community is primarily due to poverty, inadequate education and awareness, high birth rates, and lack of appropriate community action and distance from the enforcement machinery. The majority of the families are unaware of the prevalence of trafficking in their region. In addition, local government, police, and border security officials lack the background information to effectively deal with traffickers, their victims, and at-risk women and children.
Our objectives :
1) Generate awareness, on prevention of trafficking to adolescent girls, school children,
2) Orientation and distribution of IEC materials,
3) Capacity building and creation of networks of various stakeholders such as Government Officials and law enforcement agencies and
4) Skill development training to vulnerable ‘at risk’ and rescued victims of trafficking.
Project area : Swarupnagar block, North 24-Parganas district, share its border with Bangladesh thus facilitating intense cross border trafficking.
Beneficiaries : Vulnerable, prone to trafficking women and children

Beneficiary Groups

1) Adolescents
2) Adults
3) Children
4) Commercial Sex Workers
5) Disaster Affected
6) Elderly
7) Farmers / Farm Labourers
8) Girl Child
9) Homeless
10) NGOs
11) Plants
12) Rural Poor
13) Dwellers
14) Sportspersons
15) Street Children
16) Students
17) Tribals
18) Urban poor
19) Volunteers
20) Women
21) Youth

Free Medical camp

Sandeshkhali is a one of the poorest area of Sundarban Delta. There are more than 4 lakh peoples living here but the government health service is not enough for them .They need more health services .In this regards we arranged a free medical camp at Agarhati Rama Krishna Mission and we served 350 peoples here from our camp and trying to arrange one camp per month. The Honorable Guest was Mr. E.Vijay Paul(Support Managre ,ONGC) ,Mrs Narayani (HR & CSR In charge,ONGC),Mr. Barun Barua(Secretary,AISCSTEA,ONGC), and others dignitaries of ONGC.


Providing an all round education to educate boys and girls intellectually, morally and physically to inculcate the right principles of conduct with interest in multifarious fields and aiming at molding student into better human beings first and instill in them the principle of justice, honesty, tolerance, patriotism and discipline. Stress on all-round development of the student. Help students discover their ‘Self’ from within. Allow freedom of thought and expression to every student enabling them to distinguish between right and wrong. Inculcate such values among students that help them to cross all hurdles and barriers in life. Build confident and self equipped individuals who are good humans and who respect the rights and individuality of everyone else.



Sandeshkhali Maa Saroda Women & Rural Welfare Society is an increasing community of people who are passionate about loving the neediest children around the world. Some of these children are poor, abused, ill, overlooked, or unwanted. These children suffer from illnesses, HIV/AIDS, and targets of child labour, human slavery, poverty, and disasters. We are working to fulfil these critical requirements. Maa Saroda helps children at risk in slum areas and resettlements. We are working for children welfare in Sandeshkhali block whole-heartedly. Each of our campaigns throughout the focus areas aims to provide holistic services for children in their particular situation. Poverty in India has been listed as one of the critical factors why millions of children do not have access to the freedom they are entitled to. Our mission is to include the services, coaching, and continuing care required to transform children’s lives in each of their focus communities. Thus, combating inequality and suffering in our community together. We Wish to See Every Child Eating Good Food We make sure no children sleep with hunger. Our organisation provides free food for children. Our meals are nutritious and prepared in a clean open area that has been cleaned daily to establish a good atmosphere with hygienic food for children to eat. All children are taught to wash their hands before they eat. This is to ensure they are learning how to keep personal hygiene and eat germ-free food. Also, we have entirely zero per cent of food wastage, with any excess food, if some, then it’s redistributed to the poor. Meanwhile, we make sure there’s secure and clean disposal of paper dishes and cups. Therefore, nothing goes to waste! We Aim to Make Every Child Educated Children are deprived of schooling for several reasons, and poverty is one of the most common factors. Education is perhaps the most effective weapon needed to disrupt the brutal intergenerational cycle of rape, malnutrition, hunger, and injustice. Thus, literacy needs a great deal of attention. There are many NGOs working for child education that thrive to increase the literacy rate in the country. Maa Saroda is also one of the NGOs working for child education and working towards improving education for children and feels that every child is unique by birth and will reach the height of achievement if the best learning experiences are given with a positive environment to enable children to open their minds and fulfil their dreams. Maa Saroda supports the health needs of underprivileged people staying in many of the most problematic areas of Sandeshkhali block in terms of health, food shortages, and child development. They are making it necessary to provide children welfare in Sandeshkhali block, as it’s one of the most troubled areas. Maa Saroda recognises health’s value and tackles the problem by delivering healthcare services to children and the vulnerable at their doorstep. Maa Saroda’s primary objective is to provide reproductive, parental, infant, infant health, and nutritional treatment. Also, to improve community concern on environmental protection, hygiene, and other nutrition-related behavior. Moreover, establish an integrated scheme of referrals and interactions with public and private health services in and near the slums. Maa Saroda helps in improving quality of education at Boyermari kacharipara adibasi FP school, Vill – Boyermari Kacharipara PO – Nazat PS – Nazat North 24 Parganas, Boyermari Kukrekhali Adib FP School, vill – Kukrekhali PO+PS-Nazat,Dist-24Pgs(N) Pin-743442 , Nazat Boyermari Junior Basic School Vill – Nazat Hatkhola P.O-Dakshin Shikarigheri P.S-Nazat Dist-North 24 Parganas In 2013, Maa Saroda helped the Boyermari Sarat Sardar Smriti F.P.School Vill / Post / P.S. Nazat. and Dakhin Akratala Adibasi FP Vill / Post / P.S. Nazat to improve the Quality of Education, through the following actions: – Enhanced enrolment of children; Assessed the learning levels of 179 students of 3rd and 4th classes, and identified 120 scholastically weak children; Conducted special coaching for weak students using the TLMs specially designed and prepared for them; Trained the teachers for better teaching, Loaned the services of 4 teachers for 1 year to teach the identified weak children; Secured participation of parents of the children through regular home visits and community meetings; Donated some furniture, text books and stationery for the children This led to improvement in regularity in attendance of not only students but also of teachers, hygiene and behaviors of children, the scholastically weak children becoming at par with good students in the classes, and in the overall performance of the School. It was a pilot project supported by G. G. Enterprise, for 1 year. Maa Saroda is making efforts to raise resources for replicating such projects. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggmWcj3GzeU&feature=youtu.be


Sinking of tube wells

Installed deep bore wells at 172 No. ICDS center at Sandeshkhali-II Block.There are 120 students and 1500 villagers benefiting from it.

Relief for COVID-19

Maximum numbers of villagers are suffering from hunger.They became jobless as well as income less due to COVID-19 situation.We are providing rations to them at Sandeshkhali,North Sundarban,North24Parganas, West Bengal

AMPHAN Relief 2020

We have distributed dry foods packets and rations to 4500 villagers of North Sundarban.