Who are We

Inspired with the Ideology of Maa-saroda and Swami Vibekananda, We –some benevolent people have been involved and engaged in doing welfare to the poor Women and young girl in Sundarban area since 2009 by giving them various training such as food processing, nursery management Self help, spreading of women education e.t.c. 
Finally we established Sandeshkhali Maa Saroda Women & Rural Welfare Society.It was registered in 2012 under Society Registration Act 1961 ,Goverment of West Bengal.

Our Details

The Sandeshkhali Maa Saroda Women and Rural Welfare Society is an NGO in the Sundarban region of India.The organisation works for women and girls, providing training in a range of subjects including food processing and nursery management. The organisation is planning to establish a multi purpose training institute for women and is currently looking for funding for this project.

Our Mission & Vision


A Country without poverty and injustice in which every person enjoys his/her right to a life with dignity.


To work with the poor young girls and women and excluded people to eradicate poverty and injustice.

Our Objectives

Objectives/ Goals

1)Establishment of Permanent Coaching Centre At Sandeshkhali.
2)Mobile Medical Dispensary At Sandeshkhali.
3)Support To Poor Farmers At Sundarban Area.

Past Year Objectives

1)Free Coaching To Poor Students.
2)Free Medical Camp.
3)Food Packet Distribution To Flood Affected Area Of Swarupnagar.

4) Generation of alternative supplementary livelihood options for rural communities through value addition and entrepreneurship development; 5) Increase socio-economic status of local peoples. 6) Empower members of Self Help Groups through training in Digital Literacy and Tailoring training.

Our Slogan

There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of woman is improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing.

We also known as

Also Known As : Acronyms/ Abbreviation/ Other Names : SMSWRWS

Registration Details of the Society

Registration : As Society
Registration Number : S/1L/98323
Year of Establishment : 2012
Registration Date : 22/11/2012
State Where Registered : West Bengal
Income Tax Permanent Account No. (ITPAN) : AAJAS1485R


Giving Skilled Development Training to poor women And girls at “Aila” affected area Of Sundarban so that they can earn their bread.